CMYK is the most common color mode in the field of graphic design and printing, and we have encountered it countless times. As creators who primarily output images through digital devices and RGB mode, using CMYK is always a headache for us. It tends to dull the bright colors that originally appear on the screen. However, as we've grown more accustomed to this color mode, our biases against CMYK have dissolved. So we came up with an illustration idea that uses CMYK colors.

When rethinking of these four colors carefully, we tried to discover the unique personalities and emotions of each one. Using these personalities and emotions as prototypes, we designed four distinctly different and vibrant characters: cool blue, passionate magenta, happy yellow, and decorous black. Just like in the movie "Inside Out," although their personalities differ, they cooperate seamlessly. All the exquisite prints are realized through the contributions and participation of these four.

Since the protagonists of this project are the CMYK themselves, the sticker printing went super smoothly, naturally restoring their original colors. For the packaging design, we almost had no hesitation in choosing to use simple black and white. We designed die-cut windows on the paper bags, surrounded by the bounding box from selection tool of Adobe Illustrator. The background features a transparent grid pattern. The action of opening the packaging and taking out the stickers simulates the process of a graphic transitioning from software to print. At the seal slut of the bag, we wrote a line. When you open the package, it forms a complete sentence: "Don't forget...Ctrl+S." This project is dedicated to all graphic designers, illustrators, and printing industry professionals. We hope these four folks can lift you up when you're feeling frustrated with CMYK.

The sticker package measures 3.75 x 5 inches, featuring 9 die cut shape vinyl stickers, double-sided printed, waterproof and tear-resistant. We're sticker lovers, obsessed with turning our art into stickers and trading and collecting them. Feel free to reach out for a sticker trade!