Our style? It's all about liveliness, optimism, and embracing diversity. We're not afraid to mix things up, using all sorts of materials to break creative boundaries. Graffiti, music, movies, ACG, and the people around us inspire our designs and art, supporting us to capture the essence of life. We genuinely believe that our creations possess a special charm that brings pure joy. Each piece is a labor of love and soul, ensuring our passion never fades away.

We believe that creation shouldn't be confined to canvases and digital screens alone, letting them exist as replicas and accessories is a way cooler approach to preserve and showcase our dope works. That's why we've crafted a range of cool creative products that we hope you'll dig. This studio series of cool goodies we're launching is just the beginning. We've got more mind-blowing stuff in the works, so stay tuned!


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